Coronavirus in Kyrgyzstan: Orphanages, residential homes and psycho-neurological facilities do not have enough food supplies and personal protective equipment

Апр 19.2020

According to the results of monitoring of residential homes for kids and psycho-neurological facilities of Chui province during the coronavirus outbreak in Kyrgyzstan.

Human rights movement “Bir Duino - Kyrgyzstan” alongside members of the Ombudsman’s Office on April, 13-14 visited orphanages, residential homes and psycho-neurological facilities located in Chui province. The main goal of their visit was to figure out out needs of these institutions during coronavirus outbreak in Kyrgyzstan.

Dmitriev boarding school of Chui province

It was closed during the visit. There was only one guard, but he called the manager. Manager said that residential home was closed for a quarantine period since March, 16 and 92 kids were sent back to families.

Krasnorechensk complementary boarding school

According to headmaster Meerim Madiiarova, 127 children in the age from 7 to 16 attend the school. They have mild mental handicap and behavioral variations.

39 kids left without parental care live in the school during quarantine period. They have classes only from 10 to 11 AM. Also kids of this school get 1000 som of allowance which stored on their saving accounts until the graduation. According to the headmaster, there is a sewing and carpentry workshop. Meerim Madiiravova believes that this school needs to be transformed into the family orphanage.

Madiiarova says that students do not communicate with other people during the quarantine period and follow all the needed safety rules. For example, teachers who live in Bishkek stay at home during the quarantine period. Currently only local staff members work in the school.

Human rights activists observation results: Director and staff members were not happy with the observation. According to the director, her institution is supervised by the Ministry of Education, and its their responsibility to come up with the alternative education programs and regulations to keep children safe during the emergency period.

From a distance we saw groups of girls, who were going from the sauna and they did not have facial masks. However director said that medical personnel and staff have safety clothes. We gave them three bags of safety clothes, two respiratory masks and special medical goggles.

Requirements: Despite the fact that school has some supplies, it is still ready to obtain any help for the students. They need food supplies, disinfectants and cleaning products. Kids also need fruits and vegetables. Any material and furniture can be donated to the sewing and carpentry workshop.

Chui boarding school for orphanages and kids left without parental care, Jany Jer village

Nazgul Musaeva became a headmaster on March 16, 2020. 150 kids in the age from 6 to 16 attend the school. 100 of them live there consistently, other 50 live in the nearby villages. Food supplies and other products were acquired by the tender.

Study goes in a normal way, because students live in the boarding school. 60 staff members work in the school, 19 of them as teachers, 9 - caretakers. 2 nurses provide medical assistance, but they temporarily don't have pediatrician.

Kids have temperature measurement twice a day since the beginning of quarantine. School territory is disinfected by chlorine outside and there is a wet cleanings twice a day. Ministry of Emergency Situations also helped to disinfect school’s territory. Staff members also had to create self made antiseptics for kids and facial masks. Outsiders are not allowed to visit kids.

Human right activists observation results: Kids walk in groups in school backyard not wearing facial masks and not following the rules of keeping distance.

Requirements: Antiseptics, special protective clothings for staff members, cleaning products.

Voenna-Antonovka orphanage for children without parents

Headmaster Masyl Askar and senior caretaker Galina Andrausova said that 101 kid live in this house. Their study goes in a normal way in two shifts. Their temperature being measured twice a day, everyone is healthy. Medical staff consist of pediatrician, psychologist and two nurses. Food is being acquired by tender, and they have enough supplies. Outsiders are not allowed to visit kids, observers had a talk with headmaster outside the territory of orphanage.

Requirements: Anticeptics and facial masks, 100 units.

Belovodsk special boarding school

It was closed during the visit. All the kids are in their families or custodians because of the quarantine. One kid is moved to the rehabilitation center in Bishkek. Study is conducted online. According to director, their building might be used as an observation place.

Belovodsk pre-school orphanage

School headmaster Anna Gorokhova said that the school is on quarantine since March, 16. 37 attend the school, among them HIV-positive. Medical personnel consist of a doctor and two nurses. Ministry of Emergency Situations disinfected the school territory twice. Food is being acquired by tender, fruits and vegetables are bought from private owners. Outsiders are not allowed to visit kids, observers had a talk with headmaster outside the territory of orphanage.


Powder, 48 kilos per month

Cleaning products for sinks and toilets, 12 units per month

Gloves and facial masks in any quantity

Protective clothings

Belovodsk psycho-neurological social institution

Aizada Asanova is a head manager. 218 kids in the age from 4 to 18 live in there. Medical assistance is provided by 3 doctors, 12 nurses and also there are 200 other staff members. Only 170 keep working because of quarantine. Institution has enough medical and food supplies. Outsiders are not allowed to visit kids, observerrs had a talk with manager outside the territory of institution. Building is disinfected by quartzing. If the quarantine period will be prolonged and staff members will have to live in the institution, there will be a need of extra food supplies. There is a person who has been tested positive for COVID-19 in this area, and this institute is going to take extra safety precautions.


Diapers for kids and adults

Disinfectants, 100 litres

Chlorine, 200 kilos

Facial masks, 1000 units

Gloves, 1000 units

Powder and soap

Food supplies

Tokmak psycho-neurological social institution #1, Iskra village

Headmaster Bakyt Satybaldievich informed about treatment of 267 men in the age of 18 and older. More than 60 need of extra care because they bedrided. Food is acquired by tender, and they have flour for another month. Medical supplies being bought each quarter. Administration still has some amount of antiseptics, but staff already run out of antiseptics provided by Ministry of Health.


Chlorine, 10 kilos for a month

Hypochlorite (45-65%), 40 kilos for a month

Disinfectants, 50 litres for a month

Antibacterial soap for 267 patients

Powder, 100 kilos for a month

Protective clothing, masks and shoe covers for 54 staff members

Flour, 1-2 tons

Any groats and sugar

Tokmak psycho-neurological social institution #2

Head manager was away during the visit, but we asked administration about their needs in online. About 200 people treated in the centre, 64 of them bedridden. They need diapers. There is an urgent need for medicals. Ministry of Health provided centre with small amount of antiseptics, but they run off.


Diapers, size 3-4, in any quantity

Antiseptics, 5 litres

Hand sanitizer, 10 units

Chlorine, cleaning products, in any quantity

Facial masks, 300 units

Gloves, 300 units

Urgent need for medicines azaleptin, azaleptol, carbamazepine, sibazon, cycodol, aminazine

Human rights activists observation results: These are the most vulnerable institutions left without effective and systematic support during crisis. Officials did not help them at the moment of observation.

They need medical supplies as well as technical equipment to support staff and patients and protect them from coronavirus.

In conclusion:

Monitoring showed that officials did not develop an effective program to effectively help vulnerable groups of people such as children without parents and people with disabilities or mental health issues.

Ministry of Health did not develop a unite program to prevent spread of coronavirus in such institutions, Ministry of Education did not give an alternative education program and management to control it.

Medical personnel do not have special protective clothings and respiratory masks. There is a lack of facial masks, kids and adults keep walking in groups without following the needed rule of social distancing.

There is a need to evaluate the ministers work of providing boarding schools and psycho-neurological institutions with protective equipment and food supplies during quarantine. We need to understand if these ministries are able to develop special programs in case of prolongation of quarantine.

Expert group of Ombudsman’s Office and Human Rights Movement “Bir Duino - Kyrgyzstan”.


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Feedback from our focus groups



Experience should be attached to a law degree

Shakhboz Latipov, 24 y.o., young lawyer: “When I came to BDK for an internship, I had no experience in legal and human rights activities. Together with experienced senior colleagues, I began to attend trials, studied documents. Gradually my supervisor Khusanbai Saliev began to trust me the preparation of documents, carefully checked them and gave practical advice. Experience comes with time and cases you work on. Every day dozens of people who need help come to us, many of them are from socially vulnerable groups: the poor, large families, elderly citizens. A lawyer in a human rights organization sometimes acts as a psychologist, it is important for him to be able to maintain professionalism and show empathy. At the end of 2019, I successfully passed the exam to get the right to start working as attorney and now I work on cases as an attorney. I turn to my colleagues for help on complex issues, they always give me their advice. This is one of the strengths of the organization: there is support and understanding here.”



Organization unites regions

Feruza Amadalieva, social worker, leader, teacher: “TOT from BDK is a great opportunity to get acquainted with participants from different regions, we continue to communicate on social media and when we meet at events, as close friends, we have such warm relations! At the events, I improved my knowledge, systematized it, clarified how to apply it in practice. I really like the training modules and the way the system of training and practice is built: role-playing games, theory, discussions. Each person expresses himself/herself. I have become a leader for other vulnerable women, I try to help them and engage them in such events.” Feruza Amadalieva is a regular participant of many BDK events, she invites the BDK lawyers to provide legal advice to vulnerable women.



I became confident

In summer of 2019, Nuriza Talantbek kyzy took an active part in conducting regional screenings of documentaries, helped with organizational issues during the campaign dedicated to the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, participated in trips, and did the TOT on women's leadership. She used to be a migrant, worked for an NGO in Osh, and now works in Bishkek in the service industry. She calls her participation in the TOT “an invaluable experience”: “I first attended such an event, and received exactly the information that I needed, for which I am sincerely grateful to the facilitators. I experienced very difficult issues in my life, and thanks to that knowledge, I was able to overcome them, I persevered! After the TOT, I became more confident, began to better understand the essence of human rights, and learned to defend my interests.”



The defendant has passed away. The work on his rehabilitation continues.

The case of Shukurullo Kochkarov shows that work on complex cases continues for many years. After the torture he was subjected to in 2010, he became disabled. We managed to get acquittal on one of the charges; the work is ongoing on achieving his rehabilitation and recognition as a victim of torture in order for compensation to be paid. Trials continue without Shukurullo Kochkarov - he died on 2 August 2019. His interests are represented by his father, Saidaziz Kochkarov, who also has a visual disability. “For many years, we have been supported by the employees of BDK, they have been handling the case of my son, they brought him to court because he couldn’t walk on his own, they constantly help our family: my wife and I underwent rehabilitation, they have helped my son by providing him with medicines, they provide all kinds of help”.



Comprehensive support for victims of torture

Resident of the Kara-Suu district, Dilyor Jumabaev, has extensive experience in dealing with law enforcement agencies. In 2010, he was accused of possessing firearms, and thanks to the work of lawyers, he was acquitted. Two years later, his house was first searched in order to find materials of an extremist nature, but nothing was found. In 2014, he was accused of possessing extremist materials. In court, the prosecutor requested 15 years in prison; the court sentenced him to 6 years. A few years later he was released on parole. “I am grateful to the lawyers of BDK for their expert legal assistance. I participated in a rehabilitation program for victims of torture. When I encounter violations, I recommend contacting this organization.”


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